Monthly Archives: June 2014

Physical Therapy Tips

There are different types of these footpieces with each specially designed to ease certain pains. Functional support feet which are abnormal. It prevents pes planus and absorbs shocks when running or walking. It supports the whole foot from the subtalar joints, midfoot joints, the arches of the foot to the tendons. In short, they prevent overuse damages and correct some deformities. The soft orthotic is made from a soft material. It is used as shock absorbers and for reinstating balance. It is usually used by those with foot malfunction and diabetes. Its primary function is for people who walk or stand for long periods of time.

Hip replacement surgery is designed to reconstruct a damaged hip joint with prosthetic implant materials that restore normal hip joint function and anatomy. The results of hip replacement surgery are very predictable (and usually excellent), and the operation and the prosthetic implant materials used have improved considerably since the operation became routine in the early 1960s. What follows is a brief guide outlining the degrees and types of hip joint dysfunction that normally warrant surgical hip replacement. Bone lesions are abnormalities in bone tissue that may disrupt normal body processes or create structural deficiencies. These sorts of abnormalities have a broad range of potential underlying causes.

Metatarsus Adductus, or turning of the metatarsals (mid part of foot behind the toes) toward the inside of the foot, may be encountered especially with the first metatarsal or the metatarsal of the great toe (Metatarsus Primus Varus). Since this condition can be aggravated in the foot, a painful prominence to the inside of the 1st metatarsal (inside of great toe bone) may present as a bunion deformity. Mild or early cases can again be treated with orthotics, but more severe cases may require surgical correction. My recommendation is to progress to surgery if the foot is painful and limiting ability to stay active and/or function in normal life.

Orthotic insoles are a device placed inside the patient’s shoes with the purpose of correcting faulty foot function. Poor foot biomechanics can be blamed for many common foot conditions such as Plantar Fasciitis (heel pain) and Metatarsalgia (ball of foot pain). However, research has shown that bad alignment of the feet also has an effect on other parts of the body, including the knees and lower back. Hence, orthotics is now being used to help treat a variety of conditions, including shin splints, knee and back pain. pronation is the rotation of the foot inward and downward so that, in walking, the foot comes down on its inner edge.pes planus angle

The examination varies according to the age of the child. For the first four to five days after birth, the foot lies in an acutely dorsiflexed position with the top of the foot in contact with the anterolateral surface of the leg. The heel is in dorsiflexion, and the forefoot is markedly abducted. When the foot is plantar-flexed, a concavity appears in the sinus tarsi area with the overlying skin becoming taut with attempted plantar-flexion. In more severe cases, the foot cannot initially be plantar-flexed much beyond neutral. Overall, however, the foot is flexible and both the heel and the forefoot can be passively corrected into varus.

This is a common disease which is characterised by cartilage inflammation which causes pain and swelling. It is very common in the knee and ankle joints. One can benefit a lot from orthotics as they reduce pressure and have better shock absorbing capabilities. In this condition, the person has flat feet due to running, walking and standing. The arches which support the foot collapse and this is very painful. The plantar aspect of the foot becomes flat and the arches are overstretched. Moving becomes painful and the orthotics offer relief. They are designed so as to prevent is and reduce it if it is there.

According to, the knee is one of the most complex joints in the body. It requires stability from several different ligaments to support the upper body and provide multi-directional mobility. The lateral meniscus is a c-shaped cartilage component on the outer side of the knee that protects the tibia and femur from rubbing against each other. Damage in this area creates instability in the joint. Osteology is the study of bone structure and function, whether human or animal. Osteology is used throughout the medical profession and also in other fields, including archaeology, paleontology and criminology.

Flat feet, medically known as pes planus, is a problem where the arches of the feet collapse. Some people are born with flat feet (congenital pes planus deformity) others develop flat feet later in life as their joints become more lax. Statistically, more people have flat or low arches than high arches. Flat feet can cause many different types of foot problems to occur, making support to the arches a necessity. Painful fingertips and toes can have a number of causes, from a pinched nerve from sitting in one position for too long, to something more serious like a disease. If the pain reoccurs regularly, see your health care provider.pes planus asymptomatic

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Posted by on June 12, 2014 in Pes Planus